Tears Of The Roseatte Rabbit
Ahiru clutches at his short hair, stressing about what he was gonna do for the talent show, he decided the perfect person to help him was lilly, his Best friend in the whole world. He pulls out his phone, yoyos erupted out of his pocket with it, he opens notes app and calls lilly. Lilly answers the phone “what do you want” she says tiredly, she was up all night cuz she didn't wanna roleplay dragons or play ANIMAL JAM with her no.1 big strong man. “Oh wait it's you ahiru” she realises, thinking it was her no.1 big strong man calling to ask if she wanted to play ANIMAL JAM. “heeeey bestie, what are you doing?” he says excitedly. “I need your help” he exclaims. “Ok” she says, teleporting over top of Ahirus's exact location which she somehow knew, destroying her phone in the process.
“Agh” he cries out, falling back. “You're in my house????!?!!!!?!?!??!?!! How!” he squeaks out in surprise. “Happy yaoimas Ahiru and a happy yuri!” she says, plopping herself down on his rich person bed. She pets his dog's fur, his dog was actually a full grown man, but she didn't have the heart to tell him. “So whaddya need ahiru” she asks, scratching the man dog's head affectionately. “I need help on my act for the school talent quest” he tells her, sighing at his own indecision. “I really wanna do something that'll wow the crowd, and win my boyfriend's heart ten times over” he explains in the hopes that his bestie boo would help him. She hugs one of Ahirus juicy Asf pillows as she contemplates. She thinks for a moment “hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm, maybe serenade him, Ahiru” she continues “use your rich person magical voice and magic him up.” *nods* “That's a great idea” Ahiru agrees. He powers up his rich person karaoke machine and selects a song. He began to sing, and as he did so he knew that he would win this competition.
Ahiru walks into school, fist clutched at his chest in determination. He takes a breath and steps through the doors into the student council prez office. He sets down his bag, which was unusually full. “AhIRu” Usagi shrieks in excitement, pouncing on the boy the second he set his bag down. “YouSayGi? What are you doing here? shouldn’t you be at Salt? Why are you here!?!” He exclaimed with surprise and joy. “I thought I would come see you,” he smiled shyly. “I missed you” he whispers, blushing in embarrassment at the confession. “Usagi…” Ahiru whispers back lovingly. He smiles softly and brushes a stray lock of hair from Usagi’s face and chuckles at the light blush on his cheeks. “GO BACK TO SCHOOL” he said harshly, his student council prez alpha instincts kicking in as he pushed his BOYFRIEND out the door.
He slammed the door shut, locking himself in his office. He couldn’t afford any distractions so close to the school talent show, even if they were kawaii ones 😔💔. He takes a breath, anxious about performing that afternoon. *Opens his bag* “Just one more time” he says shakily, pulling out a gun. “Just once more” he repeated reassuringly to himself, tucking it into his fancy asf blazer. He was glad that he told Usagi to leave when he did, he didn’t want him to be around for this…
He pulled a list from his pocket, checking off a few names as he stepped into the hall. “I can’t believe I’m doing this,” he muttered to himself. “It’s for Usagi!” Ahiru reminded himself.
Ahiru strode towards the field where the stage was being set up. all the students participating in the talent show were gathered near the stage
Usagi skipped back to salt school, humming cheerily. “Sowwy I’m late X3, I was talking to my boyfriend about the talent show OwO.” he told the teacher, raygun from hit tv show mob paycho 200. “Whatevezzzzzzz, just whatevzzzzzzzzzzzz lolzzzzz, sit downnn lolzzzzz.” Raygun slurred, sipping his silly water. “Thank yoUwU tacherrrrr” Usagi responded, plopping down in his seat.