Tears Of The Roseatte Rabbit


The rain poured down as the class prez stared out of the classroom window

"U-Usagi!" Ahiru panted out of breath "Wait, come back!" Heat rose in his face as the exhaustion from running after his crush finally hit him. Usagi turned around, tears streaming down his face, he looked flustered. Usagi finally stopped running once out of sight. "Please leave me be." Usagi cried, "I want to be alone." He was shaken and out of breath, there were scrapes and bruises on his knees from stumbling. "I'm fine" he lied. Ahiru knew this was a lie but decided not to say anything. Ahiru sighed and sat down next to Usagi who was hiding behind a tree. "W-what happened to you?" He asked with concern "I saw you running past my classroom, you looked like you were gonna have a mental breakdown" Ahiru took a deep breath so Usagi wouldn't worry about him. He added "Don't worry, I used my class prez Duties to get out of there." He smiled shyly. "Ok do Tell me what happened, please" Usagi shut his eyes, he had a pained expression on his face "H-he outed me... IN FRONT OF EVERYONE! N-Nousagi outed me..."

"Nousagi outed me" he whispered, voice cracking from all his crying earlier. Usagi took a deep breath and finally looked over at ahiru embarrassment flooding over him after he realised he had just cried IN FRONT OF the guy he liked. "I'm sure he didn't mean to, he would never do something like that. he looks up to you so much, but I'm sure you already know that" ahiru said with consolation, smiling gently to mask his concern, after all he had to make sure Usagi didn't see through him into his heart and realised just how much ahiru cared for him. Usagi felt like vomiting, he accidentally told ahiru that he was gay and he felt ashamed at his best friend/forbidden crush knowing. "I-I, forget it I'm over it a-anyways" he stuttered and felt the tears start to flow again. "If you really are sure you are ok" ahiru sighed at his friend. "You should probably talk it out with your brother, if there's anything I can do to help just let me know" he said, his heart beating for some totally unknown reason. "Thanks, I love you" Usagi said without even thinking. "W-what" ahiru sputtered almost choking on his own tongue, the pure and raw emotions almost flooding out of his pores in a grotesquely loving wave at the first sign of hope that his feelings could be returned, he stared at Usagi face flushed red eyes wide with shock. "What" Usagi mirrored, not realising what he had just said. "Usagi kun you just said you loved me" he said, eyes growing even wider and face turning redder with embarrassment. Usagi looked away again, but Ahiru gently grabbed his face and turned it towards him, moving Usagi's face out of his hair so he could see him better. Usagi's eyes were shining, face was red from embarrassment, eyelids puffy from crying and his nose was running đŸƒâ€â™€ïž but ahiru couldn't help but think that Usagi has never looked more beautiful in Ahiru’s eyes. Just then Usagi realised just how handsome Ahiru truly was, having never let himself look so closely before from fear he might fall Even more rapidly Into the deep abyss called love. Love... love... LOVE. HE HAD ACTUALLY TOLD AHIRU HE LOVED HIM, AND AHIRU WASN'T MAD, in-fact, now that Usagi was getting a better look at his expression and not just him as a whole he could see that ahiru looked hopeful. Usagi flushed even more to the point where he may as well not have any skin. " y-yeah, what's it to you" he said trying to act like he wasn't madly in love with the MAAAAN sitting right beside him, in his time of need. Ahiru blink, then blinked, then blinked again, then continued blinking for the rest of his life, as the weight of what had just happened finally squished his tiny little racing heart, and finally he let out a stupidly large and smug smirk"oh really, well I guess I love you too, or whatever" ahiru said as he turned even more red. "R-really" usagi-kun said"yes really" ahiru replied grinning even wider than his smirk was. "I love you so much more than you could ever imagine, I wouldn't just lie for anyone stupid, not even my mum" he told him "ru-chan I love you so much, and I don't know what to do, I feel like I'm gonna vomit my heart out of my lungs or something HELP" he continued. Usagi let out a soft sigh of satisfaction and smiled for the first time that day "I love you so much, baka" Usagi giggling as he leaned his moist face towards ahiru to give him a smooch on his face. Usagi was so happy, he didn't care that people knew he was gay, he didn't care that all the people in this au were gay, all he cared about was ahiru, after all as long as his newfound lover ahiru was there he knew everything was gonna be ok

Ahiru was sitting in the student council president's office, he was thinking about what he was gonna do for a school fundraiser. All he knew was that he wanted his boyfriend to be a part of it, so he went to black vinegars sister school, salt to ask his Usagi what he should do.

Usagi was doing alot better the past few months, everyone had finally come to accept the fact that he was gay, all of this was made easier due to the fact that he had his boyfriend by his side. Usagi saw ahiru running towards him looking excited. “USAGIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII, i need your help making a decision” he panted out, exhausted from running ”what should i do, i don't know what the fundraisers main event should be.” Usagi's eyes lit up with excitement as a massive grin painted itself across his face, “you should do

. A TALENT SHOW, A COMPETITION BETWEEN SCHOOLS!!!!!!!!!!!” he shrieked with excitement, “we should compete against EACH OTHERRRR.” Usagi exclaimed with enthusiasm. “Alright, if you say so'' ahiru said ''but just letting you know, i will WIN THIS AND YOU WILL REALISE JUST HOW COOL MY YO-YOS ARE.” Usagi sighed “ sure sure, but not after i beat you, you stupid baka” Usagi told him,” i hope you are mentally prepared for when that time comes, ă‚±ă‚±ă‚±ă‚±ă‚±ă‚±ă‚±â€ Usagi mocked lovingly. Ahiru knew that it was gonna be a great school festival and an even greater talent show, he just couldn't wait to prove himself to Usagi.

Lily teleported to black vinegar, excited to help prepare for the school festival, she knew how much it meant to her friends. She walked over to ahiru’s classroom looking around, the only person she could see was a short boy with an ugly ass bowl cut shaking and coughing up blood as he squirmed and writhed on the linoleum floor. she sighed and walked out to the school's courtyard in hopes of finding him out there. She was planning on putting her demon powers she obtained from making a demon blood pact with Mobbie to good use.

As she entered the school courtyard she saw everyone preparing for the school festival. There were people setting up stands and fair games laughing and having a good time, excitement rippling through all the school students from the anticipation of the school festival. “AHIRUUUUU, WHERE IN THE TEARS OF THE ROSEATE RABBIT BALLAD OF THE DUCK ARE YOU.” she yelled into the crowd in hopes of finding her friend. Ahiru and lily became really close after lily had got hit by a car in her hometown and got blasted all the way to an au in japan from the impact, then she made a demon blood pact with Mobbie so she wouldn't die, but in the process she gained many insane powers and didn't know how to control them so she turned to ahiru after walking in on him doing his powers, but Ahiru didn't want his powers anymore because he felt separated from the rest of humanity and Lily accidentally took his powers but in the process they became besties and Lily became EVEN MORE POWERFUL. Since she was the only person left in the au with powers and was very biassed she decided that she would help her bestFRIEND put on a spectacular show to impress his boyfriend Usagi. “AHIRU, GET OVER HERE YOU BOZO” she called out again, ahiru came rushing over. “Lilzieee heyy what are youuu doing here bestie boo” he questioned in a silly goofy tone. “Did you know that we're gonna have a school festival, it's gonna be super fun” he told her. “There's even gonna be a talent show held between the sister schools,” he said. “ I can't wait to see you perform.” Lily encouraged.

Usagi ran home, excited to start practising for the school talent show. He opened the case on the desk , took out his electric violin and wedged it between his shoulder and chin. He lifted the bow of his violin and started to play. A sweet, melodic hum began to waft through the space around him,the sounds reverberated through him and washed over him in a wave of rolling undulating tune. The music woke something deep inside his soul, awakening past memories with the one he loves and cherishes. He remembered the time they first met, it was love at first sight, he wasn't sure his first and only love at first sight could remember it though. He remembered how when he met his one true love ahiru, when he was five years old he was spending time with his twin brother at the playground, just as he was about to leave he felt a small hand just like his own grab at his wrist. “Wait, please” a small shy voice said to him “please, will you wait to hear what i have to say” the voice said again. “What the fudge” Usagi exclaims, turning around, stopped in the middle of the road. “I-i have something to tell you” the boy blushes as he tells Usagi “U-usagi aishiter-” it all goes black. Usagi’s vision is fuzzy as he wakes up, covered in blood, he looks over and sees the boy's broken form beside him, covered in blood, there were bones sticking out and teeth scattered across the asphalt, the sound of sirens playing in the background. He lets out a scream at the horrific sight, feeling the blood run down his face,*passes out*. Nousagi falls to his knees, tears begin to fall down his face in a waterfall of salty water. He clutches his small chest in despair, weeping.

End of flashback X3 He places his violin down on his bed, having finished his performance. Satisfied with his level of skill. He was ready to perform.

Ahiru clutches at his short hair, stressing about what he was gonna do for the talent show, he decided the perfect person to help him was lilly, his Best friend in the whole world. He pulls out his phone, yoyos erupted out of his pocket with it, he opens notes app and calls lilly. Lilly answers the phone “what do you want” she says tiredly, she was up all night cuz she didn't wanna roleplay dragons or play ANIMAL JAM with her no.1 big strong man. “Oh wait it's you ahiru” she realises, thinking it was her no.1 big strong man calling to ask if she wanted to play ANIMAL JAM. “heeeey bestie, what are you doing?” he says excitedly. “I need your help” he exclaims. “Ok” she says, teleporting over top of Ahirus's exact location which she somehow knew, destroying her phone in the process.

“Agh” he cries out, falling back. “You're in my house????!?!!!!?!?!??!?!! How!” he squeaks out in surprise. “Happy yaoimas Ahiru and a happy yuri!” she says, plopping herself down on his rich person bed. She pets his dog's fur, his dog was actually a full grown man, but she didn't have the heart to tell him. “So whaddya need ahiru” she asks, scratching the man dog's head affectionately. “I need help on my act for the school talent quest” he tells her, sighing at his own indecision. “I really wanna do something that'll wow the crowd, and win my boyfriend's heart ten times over” he explains in the hopes that his bestie boo would help him. She hugs one of Ahirus juicy Asf pillows as she contemplates. She thinks for a moment “hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm, maybe serenade him, Ahiru” she continues “use your rich person magical voice and magic him up.” *nods* “That's a great idea” Ahiru agrees. He powers up his rich person karaoke machine and selects a song. He began to sing, and as he did so he knew that he would win this competition.


Ahiru walks into school, fist clutched at his chest in determination. He takes a breath and steps through the doors into the student council prez office. He sets down his bag, which was unusually full. “AhIRu” Usagi shrieks in excitement, pouncing on the boy the second he set his bag down. “YouSayGi? What are you doing here? shouldn’t you be at Salt? Why are you here!?!” He exclaimed with surprise and joy. “I thought I would come see you,” he smiled shyly. “I missed you” he whispers, blushing in embarrassment at the confession. “Usagi
” Ahiru whispers back lovingly. He smiles softly and brushes a stray lock of hair from Usagi’s face and chuckles at the light blush on his cheeks. “GO BACK TO SCHOOL” he said harshly, his student council prez alpha instincts kicking in as he pushed his BOYFRIEND out the door.

He slammed the door shut, locking himself in his office. He couldn’t afford any distractions so close to the school talent show, even if they were kawaii ones 😔💔. He takes a breath, anxious about performing that afternoon. *Opens his bag* “Just one more time” he says shakily, pulling out a gun. “Just once more” he repeated reassuringly to himself, tucking it into his fancy asf blazer. He was glad that he told Usagi to leave when he did, he didn’t want him to be around for this

He pulled a list from his pocket, checking off a few names as he stepped into the hall. “I can’t believe I’m doing this,” he muttered to himself. “It’s for Usagi!” Ahiru reminded himself.

Ahiru strode towards the field where the stage was being set up. all the students participating in the talent show were gathered near the stage

Usagi skipped back to salt school, humming cheerily. “Sowwy I’m late X3, I was talking to my boyfriend about the talent show OwO.” he told the teacher, raygun from hit tv show mob paycho 200. “Whatevezzzzzzz, just whatevzzzzzzzzzzzz lolzzzzz, sit downnn lolzzzzz.” Raygun slurred, sipping his silly water. “Thank yoUwU tacherrrrr” Usagi responded, plopping down in his seat.